Yr 4 Multiplication Check

Schools must administer the multiplication tables check within the 2-week period from Monday 5 June 2023.

What is the multiplication check?

All pupils in year 4 will participate in a national multiplication check in June this year. This check is a computerised test which checks pupils' knowledge of their times tables upto and including 12 x 12.  Pupils will have to answer 25 questions against the clock with 6 seconds to answer each question. 

How can I help my child learn their times tables?

If you would like to support your child in learning their time tables here are a few activities you could encourage at home:

  1. Complete garage games on TT Rockstars as part of weekly homework
    Times Tables Rock Stars
  2. Listen and watch the Cool Kidz on youtube sing the times tables
    Times Tables Songs 2 to 12 (Kool Kidz) Learn with Fun & Catchy Tunes!
  3. Hang up a times table square in the house 
    Set a regular time for both you and your child to sit down and have a casual, no pressure run through a particular set of times tables, perhaps just before dinner. Remember, the more often they see and practice their times tables, the more likely they are to learn them.
  4. Start simple and work through the times tables 
    There is some debate surrounding the best order in which to teach the times tables. However, it is generally agreed that it is preferable to start with 2, 5 and 10, as the patterns within them are easier for children to grasp.Once they have mastered the 2, 5 and 10 times tables, children should find it easier to move on to 4 and 8.
  5. Quiz them regularly
    Once you think your child is getting the hang of their times tables, it’s time to put them to the test. It’s best to do this is when there’s nothing else really going on, like while you’re walking them to school or while you’re waiting for a bus. Also, try to normalise these drills by allocating a specific time of the week to quiz them, rather than springing it on them randomly, that way the drills aren’t too stressful.
  6. Play fun online games
    Top Marks has lots of times table games  - https://www.topmarks.co.uk/maths-games/7-11-years/times-tables
    Times Table has activities for each times table and a multiplication checker test similar to the one pupils will complete in June - https://www.timestables.co.uk/
    Maths games has lots of times table games  - http://www.maths-games.org/times-tables-games.html


Additional Resources

  • Information for Parents
    Information for Parents
  • Times Tables Sheets
    Times Tables Sheets